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You work in an International company which is named Nitoo, and you work as the manager. Now your company recruits a new employee who must be associated with a fixed compensation plan. In the options below, what is the requirement before the employee can be associated with a plan?
A. The employee must be hired in a position.
B. The employee must be permanently employed.
C. The employee must be associated with a performance plan.
D. The employee must be registered in the company’s payroll system.
Answer: A
You work in an International company which is named Nitoo, and you work as the manager. The annual merit adjustment process is finalized for the employees in the company. A process event has been run and a set of calculated results are available as guideline merit increases. Now you intend to make individual changes to some of the calculated results. How can you change calculated merit increase guidelines for individual employees?
A. The manager cannot change the calculated merit increase guideline.
B. The manager can select the Enable recommendations check box and submit recommendations to adjust individual results.
C. The manager can select the Enable for changes check box on the employee’s compensation plan and implement the required changes.
D. The manager can set the tolerance level of the employee’s fixed compensation plan to Soft or None and then change the calculated result in the fixed compensation plan.
Answer: B
You work in an International company which is named Nitoo, and you work in the Sales department. You and your colleagues in this department are all associated with the same variable compensation plan. One of your colleagues Jack, however, is to receive a specific bonus amount regardless of all parameters that affect the final bonus amount awarded by the plan. How to specify this specific bonus amount?
A. Run a process event for the employee and update the compensation information.
B. Create an exception and specify the amount for the employee in the Employee variable compensation awards form.
C. Enter the amount for the employee in the Amount field on the Overrides tab in the Employee variable compensation enrollment form.
D. Select the employee and create a new variable compensation plan and specify that the new plan should override the general variable compensation plan.
Answer: C
You work in an International company which is named Nitoo. Now your company needs to set up a compensation plan to be applied in one organization unit. The organization unit operates with broad ranges of pay rates and the plan type they apply need few levels. What type of compensation plan type should they use?
A. Band type plan.
B. Performance type plan.
C. Reference point type plan.
D. Compensation matrix type plan.
Answer: A
You work in an International company which is named Nitoo. Now a compensation adjustment process is nearly finished in a company. The only step in the process that needs to be completed is to register merit changes for individual employees. How can this be done?
A. Set the Compensation adjustment event to Completed.
B. Activate the Merit change action for individual employees.
C. Load compensation information to individual employee tables.
D. Process the merit adjustment informtion with the Merit change periodic job.
Answer: C
You work in an International company which is named Nitoo, and you’re in charge of the network. In the options below, in which situations would you use reason codes?
A. When assigning benefits.
B. When updating an employee resume.
C. When ending a recruitment project.
D. When moving, hiring, or terminating an employee.
Answer: D
You work in an International company which is named Nitoo. Now you work in the Marketing department. A new compensation plan is created to cover employees within the Marketing department. What should you do to associate the Marketing Department employees with the new plan?
A. You should run the Associate compensation plan periodic job.
B. You should enroll each of the Sales department employees in the plan.
C. You should associate the Sales Department employees with the plan through an event process.
D. You should select the new plan for each of the Sales Department emplyees by using the Change compensation feature in the Employee fixed compensation form.
Answer: B
You work in an International company which is named Nitoo, and you’re in charge of the network. What is an employee’s main employment relation with the company?
A. A job in the line organization.
B. A role in the line organization.
C. A position in the line organization.
D. An organization unit in the line organization.
Answer: C
You work in an International company which is named Nitoo, and you’re in charge of the network. The company has just updated its mobile phones to the latest model and wants to start issuing the phones to its employees. Before the company can do so, however, it must create each phone in which of the following Human Resource tables?
A. Loans
B. Loan items
C. Loan types
D. Create loan items
Answer: B
You work in an International company which is named Nitoo, and you’re in charge of the network. Today your company hires a new employee and the HR registers the employee data in the Employee form. What optiona are available to categorize the employee type?
A. Internal and external employees.
B. Employees, contractors, and work centers.
C. An employee can only be registered as an Employee type.
D. A new employee is automatically registered as a Temporary and this option is mandatory until the trial period expeires.
Answer: B
You work in an International company which is named Nitoo, and you’re in charge of the network. When you receive and evaluate applications for employment, you should always inform them of your decision whether or not you want to interview the applicant. If you receive numerous applications, it takes a quite long time to process each application manuall. Microsoft Dynamics AX Human Resources supports automated communication with applicants by enabling you to do which of the following? (choose more than one)
A. Create telephone call logs.
B. Create application e-mail documents.
C. Create mail merge documents based on templates.
D. Communicate with applicants using the Enterprise Portal.
Answer: B, C practice test training resources are versatile and highly compatible with Microsoft MB6-824 exam formats. We provide up to date resources and comprehensive coverage on Microsoft exam dumps help you to advance your skills.
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